FIA Öryggisnámskeið


Öryggisvika FIA verður haldinn daganna 20 - 23 febrúar næstkomandi.

Þessa daganna verða ýmis námskeið í boði og við hvetjum alla þá sem hafa áhuga að taka þátt.

Hægt er að sjá dagskrá ásamt skráningarlink við hvern viðburð fyrir sig

Hvetjum ykkur til að endilega að taka þátt, aukin þekking, betra mótorsport

Dagsetning Tími Hvað
20.02.2024 08:00 - 10:00

14:00 - 18:00

Rally & Cross-Country Officials Semina

Agenda including the latest in rally and cross-country regulations, rally operational safety and the most interesting cases faced by rally and cross-country Stewards in 2023.

Skráning er HÉR.

20.02.2024 10:30 - 12:30 Closed Road Operational Safety Seminar

Guidance and information on the best practices in terms of operational safety applied to Rally, Cross-Country and Hill Climb.

Skráning er HÉR.

21.02.2024 07:30 - 10:30 Technical Scrutineering Seminar

This seminar aims to assist scrutineers in ASNs by reinforcing essential requirements and procedures. The goal is to provide an overview of upcoming or newly enforced classes and updates for the 2024 season.

Skráning er HÉR.

21.02.2024 11:00 - 13:30 Safety Equipment Homologation Seminar

This seminar is targeted for Technical Delegates, Scrutineers and ASN Staff working with Safety equipment regulations. It will cover the key point of safety equipment regulations and good practice.

Skráning er HÉR.

21.02.2024 14:00 - 15:30 ASN Safety Cage Homologation Seminar

A focus on Homologation of Safety Cages by the ASNs according to FIA Homologation Regulations.

Skráning er HÉR.

21.02.2024 16:00 - 17:30 Drag Racing & Drifting – Fundamental Safety Seminar

This session will focus on the necessary safety aspects that must be incorporated into the sport at a grassroot level and the various developments that need to be followed in a progression toward a higher level. From vehicle conception to track safety, this seminar will provide a framework for safer supervision of the sport.

Skráning er HÉR.

22.02.2024 07:30 - 9:00 High-Voltage Operational Safety Seminar

An overview of the recent FIA regulation updates and examples of real-life challenges encountered by the FIA e-Safety in diverse championships over the past three years. A practical demonstration, showing the PPE, equipment, and approach to managing a car in a critical electrical state.

Skráning er HÉR.

22.02.2024 09:30 - 11:30 Circuit Safety Seminar

An overview of the FIA circuit homologation process with key insights into circuit design and construction, circuit safety simulation and circuit inspection best practice, followed by a round table discussion with experienced FIA circuit inspectors on "Flying Cars and Track Limits"

Skráning er HÉR.

22.02.2024 12:00 - 13:30 Karting Safety Seminar

This seminar is aimed at Technical Delegates, Scrutineers and ASN staff involved in implementing the safety equipment regulations and ensuring that they are properly applied at competitions.

Skráning er HÉR.

22.02.2024 14:00 - 17:30 EmPowering Disabled Motor Sport Seminar

The seminar will discuss all aspects of getting involved with the sport for people with disabilities. With a range of experts in the field, the sessions will be informative and interactive.

Skráning er HÉR.